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Parmatown African Violet Club

We are always happy to welcome new members.  Come join us for a meeting.  We meet at the Parma Heights Library, 7:00pm...the first Wednesday of every month except December.

Everyone had a great time at our
53rd Parmatown African Violet show

"Our Violets Rock"

At the Parmatown Mall
7899 West Ridgewood Drive
Parma, OH

If you missed the show and don't want to miss it again next year, send us an email with your name and email address and we will be sure to notify you of the date and location of our next show.  


Click here for pictures of our show.

Maybe you have bought a beautiful, blooming African Violet before...only to bring it home and have it stop blooming.  Did it die, or never bloom again?  Don't worry, we'll help you.  Join the Parmatown African Violet Club and we will show you how to have beautiful African violets that have beautiful foliage and gorgeous blooms to brighten your home year round.

Location: Parma Heights Library
 6206 Pearl Rd
 Parma Heights OH 44130

Meeting Times: First Wednesday each month, Jan-Nov., 7:00 p.m.
Click on Meeting Information above for directions to the Parma Heights Library.

The Parmatown African Violet Club would like to welcome anyone interested in raising African Violets to join us at our next meeting,
Our next meeting will be:
Wednesday August 7, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Parma Heights Library.

For Information on Species Violets...click below.



http://www.uvm.edu/pss/ppp/articles/african.html html

For more information on African Violets or places to buy African Violets online, be sure to click on the related links above.



Look us up on Facebook.


Optimara Montana

Click Here for a picture slideshow of last year's show